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Sierra Vista Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

After School Learning Programs


2024-25 After School ELC Program for TK / Kindergarten
SV Families interested in the 2024-25 Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten (TK/K) Expanded Learning Club (ELC) can visit this link for the application and more information. Click Here for Application and Information. This is for 2024-25 school year and only for TK/K at this time.

2024-25 ASES/Expanded Learning Program for Grades 1st - 6th
Welcome to a New School Year
Expanded Learning Program - ASES Program
(also known as After School Academic - ASA at Sierra Vista)

The Expanded Learning Program is currently taking applications for grades 1-6 for the year.

The ELP/ASES Site Lead will send an email confirmation to families to confirm enrollment.
Note the following:

  1. The after-school Expanded Learning Program(ELP) is FREE to all students. The program runs from 2:25 to 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesday, it runs from 12:55 to 6:00 p.m.
  2. ENROLLMENT: Seats are limited to 25 students per grade level in grades 1-6. Inconsistent student attendance and negative behavior will impact their acceptance into the after-school ELP/ASES program. This is not a mandatory program but an additional opportunity for our students.
  3. ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is required for participating students. The program is funded based on students' daily attendance. Students who have three unexcused absences or excessive absences will be dropped.
  4. BEHAVIOR EXPECTATION: Students are expected to follow the Viking student behavior policy as they would during normal school hours. Excessive behavior incidents will affect students' enrollment in the program. 
  5. Applications: Applications will be available online throughout the 24-25 school year. The link will be on our school's website.
  6. EARLY RELEASE POLICY: If your child must be picked up before 6:00 p.m., you must complete the F.R.E.S.H. ELP/ASES EARLY RELEASE FORM, which is available in the ELP/ASES office (P3) with the Site Lead.
  7. LATE PICK-UP: Three late pick-ups will result in your child’s removal from the program.
  8. PROGRAM COMPONENTS: The program consists of four components (required by the grant): academics, enrichment, physical fitness, and a daily snack. For the students to receive the program's full benefits, attendance is required until 5:30 p.m. The program closes at 6:00 p.m.
  9. Please note these items when completing the REGISTRATION FORM: 
  • Students will only be released to individuals listed and permitted for pickup
    • Individuals must provide a valid photo ID during pickup
  • With parent permission, students in grades 4-6 can be dismissed to walk home by request. With parent permission, students in grades 1-3 are permitted to walk home with an older sibling who is also enrolled in the ELP/ASES program.