2024-25 After School ELC Program for TK / Kindergarten
SV Families interested in the 2024-25 Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten (TK/K) Expanded Learning Club (ELC) can visit this link for the application and more information. Click Here for Application and Information. This is for 2024-25 school year and only for TK/K at this time.
2024-25 ASES/Expanded Learning Program for Grades 1st - 6th
Welcome to a New School Year
Expanded Learning Program - ASES Program
(also known as After School Academic - ASA at Sierra Vista)
The Expanded Learning Program is currently taking applications for grades 1-6 for the year.
The ELP/ASES Site Lead will send an email confirmation to families to confirm enrollment.
Note the following:
- The after-school Expanded Learning Program(ELP) is FREE to all students. The program runs from 2:25 to 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesday, it runs from 12:55 to 6:00 p.m.
- ENROLLMENT: Seats are limited to 25 students per grade level in grades 1-6. Inconsistent student attendance and negative behavior will impact their acceptance into the after-school ELP/ASES program. This is not a mandatory program but an additional opportunity for our students.
- ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is required for participating students. The program is funded based on students' daily attendance. Students who have three unexcused absences or excessive absences will be dropped.
- BEHAVIOR EXPECTATION: Students are expected to follow the Viking student behavior policy as they would during normal school hours. Excessive behavior incidents will affect students' enrollment in the program.
- Applications: Applications will be available online throughout the 24-25 school year. The link will be on our school's website.
- EARLY RELEASE POLICY: If your child must be picked up before 6:00 p.m., you must complete the F.R.E.S.H. ELP/ASES EARLY RELEASE FORM, which is available in the ELP/ASES office (P3) with the Site Lead.
- LATE PICK-UP: Three late pick-ups will result in your child’s removal from the program.
- PROGRAM COMPONENTS: The program consists of four components (required by the grant): academics, enrichment, physical fitness, and a daily snack. For the students to receive the program's full benefits, attendance is required until 5:30 p.m. The program closes at 6:00 p.m.
- Please note these items when completing the REGISTRATION FORM:
- Students will only be released to individuals listed and permitted for pickup
- Individuals must provide a valid photo ID during pickup
- With parent permission, students in grades 4-6 can be dismissed to walk home by request. With parent permission, students in grades 1-3 are permitted to walk home with an older sibling who is also enrolled in the ELP/ASES program.